Susanne Kamerling

Susanne Kamerling

Associate Fellow at Leiden University

Susanne Kamerling is Associate Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University. She works as a senior researcher and adviser for EU-projects such as the Europe-China Partnership Facility (ECPF), Enhancing Security Cooperation in and with Asia (ESIWA) and Advancing the EU’s Role in Multilateral Fora in Asia (MULTIFORA). Previously, she was Manager of Research of the Asia Pacific Research and Advice Network (#APRAN), an internal think tank serving the EEAS and EU services, where she co-authored several studies on Chinese influence and hybrid operations. 

Until 2018, she was lecturer at the International Relations and International Organisation department and PhD researcher at the Centre for East Asia Studies Groningen (CEASG) of Groningen University.

My work
Serie - Diplomatie & Buitenlandse Zaken
Hoe de Europese democratie te wapenen tegen China
Serie - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Vierluik: India onder Modi 2.0 & Kruitvat Kasjmir
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
India onder Modi 2.0: tussen hindoe-nationalisme & erkenning