
Showing 12 from 14 result(s)
7 experts analyse the effects on Europe's relationships
01 - 2023
Q&A series exploring the geopolitical consequences
01 - 2022
12 international experts reflect on NATO’s future
06 - 2021
8 personal reflections on her legacy
04 - 2021
The rocky EU road of the WB6
03 - 2021
Is climate neutrality achievable without nuclear energy?
03 - 2020
Four years Trump: Taking stock and looking forward
02 - 2020
Are we witnessing a crisis in arms control?
01- 2020
What has been the impact of Western involvement in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Mali?
01- 2019 (73)
Is the concept of BRICS still relevant to understand today’s world?
4 - 2018
Will the European Union be able to rise to the challenges of irregular immigration?
2 - 2018
How do the EU political relations in oil, natural gas and the transition towards a cleaner energy mix evolve?
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Showing 12 from 14 result(s)