Niek Pas

Niek Pas

Associate professor at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

Dr. Niek Pas, M.A. in French and M.A. in History ( cum laude), Utrecht University, 1994 and 1996; DEA 'Histoire du XXe siècle' ( mention tb), Institut d'Études Politiques Paris, 1998; Ph.D. in History, Utrecht University, 2003.

Specialized in contemporary French history, decolonisation of the French Empire (notably the Maghreb), Algeria and the interplay of media and politics in France. He is also interested in culture and politics.

He is the author of several books: Imaazje! De verbeelding van Provo (1965-1967 ) (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2003), Provo! Mediafenomeen 1965-1967 (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2015) and De geschiedenis van Frankrijk in een notendop (Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 2008; De razende Republiek (2017)). In 2008 he completed a monograph on the perception of the Algerian war in The Netherlands, Aan de wieg van het nieuwe Nederland. Nederland en de Algerijnse oorlog 1954-1962 (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek). This work has been translated into French:  Les Pays-Bas et la guerre d'Algérie (Algiers, Éditions Barzakh, 2013). See: In 2017, a biography of president Macron: Macron en de nieuwe Franse revolutie.