Sico van der Meer

Sico van der Meer

Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute

Drs. Sico van der Meer is a Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute.

His research is focussing on non-conventional weapons like Weapons of Mass Destruction and cyber weapons from a strategic policy perspective. He also has a special interest in North Korea and relations between North and South Korea.

He graduated from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 1999 with a Master’s in History. Before joining the Clingendael Institute, he worked as a journalist and as a Fellow of a think tank on civil-military relations. In 2016 he was seconded to the Taskforce International Cyber Policies of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

My work
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
Niet-statelijke cyberaanvallers: ongrijpbare huurlingen?
Series - Geopolitics & Global Order
Nuclear arms control: The end of an era?
Opinions - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Nederlands kernwapenbeleid: tussen ethiek en geopolitiek
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
Why North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons
Analysis - Security & Defence
Digitale dreiging: Is afschrikking van cyberaanvallen mogelijk?