Jonathan Millins

Jonathan Millins

PhD researcher at the University of Antwerp

Jonathan Millins is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp where his research focuses on the interaction between Geopolitics, Foreign Policy Analysis and Diplomacy. Jonathan has a special interest in Belarus and the wider East European region, including the Baltic States. He is also a regular commentator on political events in Israel. Prior to starting his PhD in 2020, Jonathan was the Director of the East of England's regional representation to the EU in Brussels and has over 12 years of professional experience working with the EU institutions and UK government. Jonathan has previously studied at the University of Kent, University of Leeds and University of Leicester.

My work
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
How Lukashenko internationalises the Belarusian crisis
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
The EU’s Belarus Dilemma