Arne Ronneberger

Arne Ronneberger

Winner Clingendael Spectator student column competition (July 2024)

Arne Ronneberger is a BA student of Political Science and Economy at the University of Tübingen and the University of Geneva. His main research interest is the Indo-Pacific Region, especially Indian foreign policy and EU relations with Southeast Asian countries. Throughout his studies, he is also engaged with trade agreements by the EU and their economic implications. Arne has interned with the CoronaNet Research Project researching public policies during the Covid-19 period and works as a Research Fellow for EPIS Think-Tank. In his hometown Tübingen, he frequently organises workshops and panel discussions for the Young German Council on Foreign Relations (JDGAP).

My work
Opinie - Diplomatie & Buitenlandse Zaken
India must exert its soft power in the Indian Ocean
Opinie - Diplomatie & Buitenlandse Zaken
Winning student columns for the summer of 2024