Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda

Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda

Researcher, consultant and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Rwanda’s College of Arts and Social Sciences

Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda is a researcher, consultant, and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Rwanda’s College of Arts and Social Sciences. He is a former Director of Research, Policy and Higher Education (RPHE) at the Aegis Trust and Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law School’s International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT/ Tilburg University/ the Netherlands) from 2009-2016. He has also worked as an Associate Legal Officer for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha-Tanzania (2009) and has been involved in various projects and consultancies. He holds a PhD from Tilburg University (2009) and an LLM from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (Sweden-2006). His academic interests cover indigenous rights/issues, transitional Justice, peacebuilding, identity politics and victimology. He has authored several publications covering these themes, including: Indigenousness in Africa: A Contested Legal Framework for Empowerment of ‘Marginalized’ Communities (Springer/Asser Press, 2011) and The Bemba-Banyamulenge Case before the ICC: From Individual to Collective Criminal Responsibility, International Journal of Transitional Justice 7:3 (2013).

My work
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Anti-Tutsi hate speech refuels conflict in eastern DR Congo
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Congo’s South Kivu Powder Keg
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Rwanda 25 years on: a future in the shadow of the past