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Viktoria Schuck
za, 07/03/2021 - 13:03


One important comment has to be made. The sentence "in 2015, as many thousands of desperate refugees sought entry into Germany every day, she decided to throw open Germany’s doors" is incorrect. Still, the creation of the Schengen area did open inner-European borders, also all of "Germany's doors". The alternative decision in 2015 would have been to close the German borders against Schengen rules. It would have made police and possibly soldiers at the border necessary to keep thirsty Syrian people out who were walking their way on a highway from Hungary in the heat for having been prohibited to stay in Hungary. Consequently, both Austria and Germany brought these people to their countries with buses and trains. I don't doubt you can call this act of "keeping the doors open" a necessity and an act of humanity. It is thus very important not to say "she decided to throw open Germany's borders" which is the same as any right-wing extremist newspaper is publishing. Please consider this.

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