Friso Dubbelboer

Political scientist, information specialist and publicist

Friso Dubbelboer is a Dutch political scientist, geopolitical analyst, author and information researcher. After graduating in International Relations at the University of Amsterdam, Friso worked in the field of information-research and marketing at various multinationals. A sabbatical and travelling to South-East Asia were instrumental in his ‘pivot to Asia’ and return to the field of political science.

Since 2015, he has been monitoring and analysing the multiple maritime-territorial conflicts in South East Asia, with a strong focus on the South China Sea disputes. 

His research focuses on Maritime South-East Asia, ASEAN-EU relations, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

My work
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
UNCLOS Under Pressure: Law of the Jungle or Law of the Sea?