Isa Yusibov

Isa Yusibov

Geopolitical risk analyst Eurasia

Isa Yusibov has a background as a Eurasia geopolitical risk analyst, predominantly focusing on Russia and Turkey. Based upon his broad area of expertise he has contributed to various think tanks and media outlets, as well as numerous corporate intelligence companies over the last years, while also being a guest speaker at relevant institutions such as the Dutch Ministry of Defense.

My work
Analyse - Geopolitiek & Wereldorde
Het ongelukkige huwelijk tussen Erdoğan en Poetin
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
De toenadering tussen Erdoğan en Poetin: Regionale verhoudingen op de schop?
Analyse - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Strijd der titanen: Het Turks-Russische conflict