André Gerrits

André Gerrits

Professor of International Studies and Global Politics at Leiden University

Prof. Dr. André Gerrits is Professor of International Studies and Global Politics, and Chair of the MA International Relations (European Union Studies / International Studies) and the BA International Studies, based in The Hague. Previously, he held the chair in Russian History and Politics at Leiden University and the Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Gerrits was also a Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Studies Clingendael.
He has published multiple articles, edited several collections, and wrote various books on these and related topics. He conducted several research projects financed and / or commissioned by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Commission.

My work
Analysis - Geopolitics & Global Order
Geopolitiek: een Nederlands idee? Het verhaal van Spijkman
Series - Conflict and Fragility
Wat het realisme ons leert over de oorlog in Oekraïne
Series - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Hoe Amalrik de ondergang van de Sovjet-Unie voorspelde
Analysis - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Is het einde van de mensenrechten in zicht?
Books & Movies - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Kissingers tragische vorm van Realpolitik
Books & Movies - Geopolitics & Global Order
Het Westen lijdt aan een Rusland-syndroom
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
Rusland & Syrië: Poetin gokte en won
Analysis - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Confronteer Rusland waar nodig, werk samen waar mogelijk
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
Rusland, het Midden-Oosten en de oorlog in Syrië