Hugo Klijn

Senior Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute

Hugo Klijn is a Senior Research Fellow within the Security Unit of the Clingendael Institute. The main focus of his work is on Transatlantic security issues and arms control. He has a special interest in the Russian Federation and the former Soviet republics. He has been seconded to Clingendael by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he has worked in the Security Policy Department, the European Department and the Strategy Advisory Unit. He held foreign postings in Moscow, Belgrade, Brussels (NATO) and Vienna (OSCE).

My work
Boeken & Films - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
Zelensky schittert, maar zijn biograaf niet
Opinie - Diplomatie & Buitenlandse Zaken
Disaster Relief – but Europe should keep calm and carry on
Analyse - Diplomatie & Buitenlandse Zaken
Memory Politics and History as a Moving Target
Opinie - Coronacrisis
The Undoing of American Exceptionalism – and what comes next
Opinie - Coronacrisis
About declaring a new pandemic world order
Serie - Geopolitiek & Wereldorde
Are conventional arms control treaties all dead letters?
Serie - Geopolitiek & Wereldorde
The Crisis in Arms Control: What Crisis?
Opinie - Conflict en Fragiele Staten
What to expect from a summit on the Eastern Ukraine crisis?