Peter Knoope

Peter Knoope

Senior Associate Fellow at the Clingendael Institute

Peter Knoope is a career diplomat who was inter alia Head of Mission to Afghanistan and headed the Humanitarian Aid section at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Currently Peter is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT). He was the Director of ICCT from its inception until August 2014. Prior to his arrival at ICCT he was Deputy Director of the Policy and Strategy Department of the Dutch National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism (NCTb). The NCTb was established in 2005, following the terrorist attacks in Madrid of 11 March 2004 and the killing of Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands, and is responsible for the development and coordination of the government wide counter-terrorism strategy in the Netherlands. He was involved in the development of the NCTb from its inception and was responsible for the coordination between the Dutch government’s national and international counter-terrorism policy.

He has also worked in development cooperation and research programmes in Tanzania, Cameroon and Senegal.

My work
Columns - Geopolitics & Global Order
Is de democratie haar ‘demos’ verloren?
Columns -
Hoop voor 2023: een verrassende vorm van dekolonisatie
Columns - Conflict and Fragility
Rusland maakt niet als enige misbruik van de term terrorisme
Columns - Coronacrisis
VN-rapporteur Melzer beschadigt het imago van de VN
Series - Conflict and Fragility
20-year fight against terrorism proves a costly failure
Series - Conflict and Fragility
20 jaar strijd tegen terrorisme bleek geldverslindend falen
Columns - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
When democracy slides into street fighting mode
Columns - Conflict and Fragility
From terrorism to pandemics: fear needs an enemy
Analysis - Conflict and Fragility
Eight reasons why COVID-19 may lead to political violence
Columns - Coronacrisis
Will modernity survive the corona infection?
Columns - Conflict and Fragility
Soleimani's death: can state actors also be terrorists?
Opinions - Conflict and Fragility
The situation in Tunisia is more worrisome than you think
Opinions - Conflict and Fragility
Het honderd jaar smeulende vuur in Sri Lanka
Columns - Conflict and Fragility
Het Westerse ongeloof in de tweede Arabische Lentegolf
Opinions - Conflict and Fragility
Netanyahu’s victory and the exploitation of fear and anger
Columns - Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs
Reïntegratie voormalige IS-strijders uit Europa is noodzaak
Opinions - Conflict and Fragility
Nederlandse VN-gezant in Jemen heeft alle steun hard nodig
Columns - Conflict and Fragility
Jihadisme in de Sahel? Look again